Crack Sealant

Many years of research have confirmed that crack treatments are the most cost-effective method of pavement preservation. Other methods of preservation are effective, but only one is the most cost-effective, “crack sealing”.


 Prevents water and noncompressible penetration

 Minimizes crack growth

 Reduces formation of alligators and potholes

 Retards reflective cracking in overlays

 Helps provide a smoother ride surface

 Greatly extends the life of your pavement

 Delays the need for overlays

Study after study has proven that when cracks are sealed at the proper time, two to four years of added pavement life can be expected before other treatments are required. Other methods used for pavement preservation are effective and needed in many situations, but are more costly than crack sealing.

Many studies have shown that for every $1.00 spent of crack sealing, $4.00 or more is saved in rehabilitation cost. With other treatments, costs are several times more per square yard. Therefore, “when budgets are tight, the time to seal is right”

Cracking in asphalt and concrete pavement will occur. Pavement design and maintenance engineers have had to contend with this, leaving maintenance departments bearing most of the burden of dealing with cracks. Pavement cracks are inevitable, and without proper maintenance and repair, will lead to accelerated cracking or potholes, further impairing the life and serviceability of the pavement.

The problem of pavement cracking is the handled in many ways, ranging from pavement maintenance surface treatments such as seal coating, road slurry, and chip seal, to hot rubberized crack sealing, and ultimately complete pavement rehabilitation such as resurfacing. For many years crack sealing has been done, usually on a routine basis. However, only in the last two decades has it been recognized as a preventive maintenance tool. Crack filling with proper high performance fillers, will effectively “glue” the pavement together and stop potholes.

This procedure consists of filling closely spaced or non-working cracks to reduce moisture penetration into the subbase of the pavement. If moisture is not checked, catastrophic pavement failure such as potholes will form. Another reason for crack filling is to stop crack raveling. Crack filling is a very cost-effective method of pavement repair that will add years to its life. Crack fill pavements that are in fair to poor condition on a regular basis to maintain their condition. If properly designed and installed, the expected life of this procedure, in most cases, is 3 to 5 years.