Parking Lot Striping

Get your parking lot or parking garage professionally striped. We can re-stripe old lines, or lay out lines for new construction by the blueprint. We do fire lanes, handicap spaces, cross walks, curbs, arrows etc. We even know how to do personalized signs for managers or designated parking areas. We can do custom jobs that are the best fit for you with custom sign sizes and colors. We can also add beads for reflective properties and use non-slip paint additives for curbs and walk ways. Call for more info and free estimates!
A well-marked parking lot promotes safety and convenience by informing your customers where to park, stop or walk.
To get the best out of a parking lot, proper planning must be in place to get an effective and neat layout. A property owner must strive to get as many cars as possible into a parking lot to maintain cost effectiveness. The right layout inspired by BPC’s design can help meet this goal.
Efficient Traffic Flow
If the parking lot is not well organized and if some facilities are not available, like handicapped parking space, you could be losing viable clients or customers to your business. Customers always look for ease of movement, a place they can easily enter, park and exit quickly and safely. With properly placed parking stalls that look attractive with arrows and handicapped reserved signs help to effectively direct travelers.
Pavement Marking Procedure
Efficiency is BPC’s first priority by employing quality material and the latest equipment to get the job done efficiently. The stripers used by BPC provide specialized signs and markings for any application. A power blower or broom is used in the preparation of the site to clean all the debris and where applicable remove all the old stripes.
Pavement Marking Facts
Using environmentally friendly material is a top priority for BPC, therefore only environmentally friendly acrylic water borne paint is used. Newly stripped parts should be closed to traffic for at least one hour for the paint to dry. The temperature should be 45° Fahrenheit or higher. Construction of the parking pavement should never be considered the end of maintenance.
Designated Parking
A proper feasibility study needs to be done to determine whether a parking lot needs designated parking lots for disabled persons, employees, visitors and customers.
ADA Guidelines
Since the (ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into place every property owner is required by law to place a designated parking-lot for disabled persons. Be it a small company or a big multinational corporation, all businesses premises must now have a proper amount of handicapped parking stalls and required van parking space.
ADA requirements are very strict and the specifications might not be familiar to all business owners and so it is important to hire an expert who has all the first hand details to the requirements like BPC.
Layout Options
The main goal of having a well planned layout is to provide the most out of the parking space available. Angled stalls have been identified by most drivers as the easiest for drivers to turn into and back out of and require a narrower lane. The 90° straight in design always allows for the maximum number of stalls but 45°, 60° or 75° angled stalls are also very popular.